SEEKING 6 Affiliate marketers for New MasterMind Group :
Seeking 6 motivated MasterMind Partners to join me in a new venture.
Forming a New Online marketing group to collaborate, share ideas and
grow our business.Our first meeting we will be braining storming and vote
on on a name for our group and writng a Mission statement.
My basic idea is to create a group of Like Minded people with similar
values and goals , and hold each other accountable for achieving those
You should know that I am not a big believer in MLM...with $299.00 to
$499.00 so called opportunity fees and stiff auto ship requirements and
documented 95% failure rates. i believe in no or low entrance fees and no or low monthly fees. Also, I don’t believe in putting all of my
eggs in one basket. I subscribe to the MSI ( Multple Streams of Income )
theory and that “Fast nickels beat Slow dimes ‘
My basic idea is to form an Umbrella company ( have already reserved
the URL - Affiliate Marketing Depot...where we will select 5-7 affiliate
programs that we will mutually agree on and use the MasterMind principle.
working together to achieve our mutual and individual goals.
If you can relate to my first IBO post---”The RATO Group--Who is Bruce’
and have an interest, please call me @828-989-7771 or better yet.
Skype me @rbdeeryand let’s talk about it...I will be selecting the first
2 or 3 members and after that new members will be selected by group
There are a couple of “Must Haves” to join our group :
• a SKYPE account...we will be having our meetings via my online conference room
• a computer with a microphone and camera
• a Smartphone...iphone or Android
* a belief that you can contribute to a Group/Team effort
Again, call me 828-989-7771 or skype me @rbdeery if you have an interest
in joining this group....
Posted via email from Plan B
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