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Sunday, January 1, 2012


" Retirement has become a pipe dream for millions of Americans."

Typically, we have relied on three financial sources to secure our “golden years”: Social Security, investments, and the value of our homes.

This diversification has provided safe, sturdy, and worry-free retirements, akin to the three legs a stool needs to be stable.

Unfortunately, that nest egg we have counted on is no longer there. Social Security benefits only provide a minimum standard of living. Investments are not as high as most had hoped due to a “lost decade” in stocks. And home values have plunged.
This problem can’t be fixed with a few weekends working overtime. Many baby boomers set to retire already have deferred for a few years.

In fact, the average boomer has saved less than one year’s salary for retirement ($29,000 according to Wells Fargo).

After being a student of how to make money online,at home using my computer, 2 years ago I met a guy in Las Vegas at an Internet Marketing Coference who recently launched a new company ( in fact, on Halloween ) that is setting industry records and allowing Boomers like me a second chance to create a retirement income. In fact, in 54 days over 12,500 people have become become students and over $2,ooo,ooo have been paid, instantly and directly to member accounts... if for some reason you have not already watched this 20 minute minute videoI encourage to check it out right now. Then Call me at 813-343-4495

You can watch it here.

Bruce D


Bruce Deery is a long time Consumer Advocate, and seasoned Sales/Marketing Executive.In 2008, needing a PLAN B he transitioned to being a full time Internet Marketing Educator,Trainer and Coach. He specializes in helping newbies, baby boomers, downsized executives and serious entrepreneurs who wish to earn 5 figures per month, at home, on their computers, without having to Sell. For more opportunity reviews, ideas, tips and marketing strategies, visit his Home Base at
To learn more about him, his Primary Online Business and how to earn 100% commissions, CREDITED IMMEDIATELY TO YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNT, visit

If you wish to contact him you can call him @ 813-343-4495 or Skype him @ rbdeery or in Costa Rica
Dial 506-8536-1957

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